Centrifugal Fan Types & Characteristics


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Forward curved bladed impeller, high volume - low pressure duty, general ventilation fan for clean air applications only.

500 - 200,000 c.f.m. Pressure usually up to 4" s.w.g.

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Backward curved aerofoil section blades, high efficiency, high volume medium pressure fans, self limiting power curve, generally for clean air application.

1,000 - 200,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 15" s.w.g.

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Backward inclined bladed impeller self limiting power characteristic, application as 'W' type but will accept light dust loadings.

1,000 - 200,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 15" s.w.g.

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Curved radial tipped bladed impeller, medium volume medium pressure fans, inherently strong construction, ideal for severely contaminated gas streams and high temperature operation.

1,000 - 200,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 15" s.w.g.

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paddle_imp.jpg (15249 bytes) Full width paddle bladed impeller, open bladed construction ensures unrestricted passage of materials through casing. 500 - 50,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 12" s.w.g.
backplate_paddle_imp.jpg (14447 bytes) Narrow back-plated radial blade impeller, suitable for conveying materials. Up to 20,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 50" s.w.g.
shrouded_backward_hp_imp.jpg (16568 bytes) Narrow width/high efficiency fully shrouded backward bladed impeller, suitable for clean air application. Up to 35,000 c.f.m. Pressures usually up to 60" s.w.g.
